Contact Details
Contact Us
For general enquiries please contact City Academy using the details below.
The City Academy, Bristol
Russell Town Avenue
Bristol BS5 9JH
Tel: (0117) 9413800
For parent and carer enquiries, please contact your child’s Learning Facilitator in the first instance. You can do this by calling the school number, where we will take a message and ask the Learning Facilitator to call you, or you can email where we will forward the email to the Learning Facilitator.
ABSENCE Contact: There is a direct number that you need to call if your child is going to be absent from school for any reason. The telephone number is 0117 9542822, this number will go straight to our attendance team.
SEND Contact: The first point of contact for matters relating to your child’s SEND is SENCO Nick Hunt who can be contacted via the school telephone number (0117) 941 3800 or on
ACADEMY COUNCIL CONTACT: The Chair of the City Academy Council is Ruth Pickersgill who can be contacted via the email address above – please mark your email subject line FAO Chair of Academy Council.
How to raise a concern or make a complaint
City Academy Bristol is committed to listening to you and working with you to resolve any concerns or complaints you may have about the academy.
In the first instance, please talk to your child’s tutor if you have any concerns. They will be able to make sure they understand your concern in order to resolve it informally as soon as possible to avoid the need for you to make a formal complaint.
However, if the matter has not been resolved you may raise it formally. To do this your complaint should be put in writing. If you would like help to do this, please talk to your academy reception staff, or administration team who will make arrangements for someone to get in touch with you to give you any help you need to create a written summary of your concerns.
City Academy Bristol will then review and/or investigate your complaint and this will include talking to you about it in further detail to find out what you would like to happen in order to resolve it.
You will receive a letter detailing the decision and what you should do if you are still not happy with it. If you need help reading the letter, or any communication from the academy, please speak to a member of the reception staff.
To read the full Complaints Policy, please click here or request a printed copy from reception staff.