Young Carers
At City Academy we acknowledge that there are likely to be young carers amongst our students, and that being a Young Carer can have an adverse effect on their education; we are committed to identifying and supporting Young Carers to access the education to which they are entitled.
What is a Young Carer?
A young carer is someone aged under the age of 18 who cares for a family member who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, cannot cope without their support.
This could include:
- Cooking and preparing meals
- Helping with the shopping
- Cleaning around the house
- Managing medicines or money
- Giving personal care
- Helping their special person move and get out of the house
- Looking after their siblings
- Giving emotional support
- Keeping an eye on things generally
How can staff at City Academy support?
We offer regular check-ins to ensure our Young Carers feel supported and listened to.
We are considerate and flexible in our approach if caring duties impact learning.
We can, if necessary, offer the use of a telephone during break or lunch time to phone home.
We have a Weekly Drop-in Session which Young Carers can chose to attend. This is a time where they can meet other young Carers and enjoy some down time.
We can make referrals to Young Carers Service which also provides additional support outside school.
If you have any queries about Young Carers or would like to talk to a member of staff regarding special arrangements, please contact our Young Carer Lead Lisa Bunker at [email protected]. The SLT Young Carer Lead is Catherine Hickey at [email protected].
Please follow this link to find other support available.