Pupil Online Survey
Subject: Wellbeing Survey
Wednesday, 10th June 2020
Dear Parents/Carers,
Students in our school will be asked to take part in a Survey (Questionnaire) run by researchers at the University of Oxford. The survey measures the mental well-being (general health and happiness) of school students during lockdown. It helps to understand the impact of COVID-19 on wellbeing and learning, so that schools can give students the support they need during the return to school.
We have attached the information for parents provided by the university, but there is also clear information about the survey on the university webpage, including ‘Frequently Asked Questions’: https://www.psych.ox.ac.uk/research/schoolmentalhealth.
You may also want to watch this 3-minute video that explains the survey to children, which is also helpful for parents and schools to watch. Information video for children: https://youtu.be/gbwVdBuf1zA.
All students in school years 7-11 will be invited to do the survey via their school email address, unless you contact us and tell us you do not want your child to take part. If you do wish to opt out, please use the email address: [email protected] and enter ‘Wellbeing’ in the subject title. Your child can also choose not to take part when the information is sent to them.
If you have questions first then you can contact the researchers at: [email protected].
If you are not happy for your child to take part in this survey, please contact the school before Tuesday, 16th June 2020.
Kind regards,
Jon Angell
City Academy