Letter to Parents
12th October 2021
Dear Parents & Carers
I just wanted to take this opportunity to give parents some key information and updates as follows:
As an academy we would like to continue with our focus on expectations. We have some students who are in the correct uniform every day and are fully meeting our expectations. We would now like to focus on the students who are not arriving to school in the correct uniform.
All students are required to wear the following items of school uniform:
- Blazer with Academy Logo – must be ordered online
- Tie – must be ordered online or purchased at City Academy reception
- White shirt/blouse – can be purchased anywhere
- Black Trousers or skirt – can be purchased anywhere
- Black shoes (Not trainers) – can be purchased anywhere
Due to having windows open we are aware that it can be colder in the classrooms. Students are able to wear a City Academy logo jumper, but this is optional. If students want to wear a t shirt under their shirt it needs to be a plain white one.
Our online uniform shop can be found here: https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/cityacademy
Last day of term
I’d like to remind parents that we have two teacher training (INSET) days taking place on the 21st and 22nd October. Therefore, the last day of term for students is Wednesday 20th October.
We are now able to offer a free breakfast (bagels and cereal) to students, which is available to all year groups in the Venue between 7.45am and 8.30am. Students can access this via the side gate next to our main car park.
Parent Pay
Thank you to all the parents who have signed up for an account. We need all parents to sign up, even if your child doesn’t have school meals. This is because not only is this a payment system for things such as meals, snacks and trips, it will soon become the main way in which we communicate to parents, so you must have an account to receive communications from school.
We are no longer able to accept cash, and the top up machines have been removed. You have been sent letters with your child’s login, if you need another copy, please email [email protected] and we can send you the details.
Best wishes
Ben Tucker
Interim Principal, City Academy