Letter to Parents
8th December 2021
Dear parents and carers,
I would like to start this update by thanking you for your support this term, as we continue to deal with the challenges Covid brings. Please can I remind you that your students should be wearing a face covering in school outside of lessons, unless exempt.
Fresh air is key to maintain ventilation, which does mean it may be colder than normal in classrooms. Please remember that students are able to wear a City Academy logo jumper under their blazer, which is optional. Students are also allowed to wear a t shirt under their shirt as an additional layer, but it must be a plain white one.
We would encourage all students to test at home twice weekly. Students or parents are able to collect boxes of test kits any time between 8am and 4pm from main reception.
The last day of term for all students is Friday 17th December, please remember that all students will finish at 12pm. Students entitled to free school meals will be given a packed lunch before leaving site.
January Plans
The plan for students returning after the break has been updated to include a day for Covid testing as directed by the Government. Therefore, all students return to school on Thursday 6th January. The plan is as follows:
- Monday 3rd January – Bank Holiday
- Tuesday 4th January – INSET day
- Wednesday 5th January – Covid testing taking place in the Sports Hall
- Thursday 6th January – All students return to school at 8.30am
Covid Testing in January
On Wednesday 5th January, we will be running a testing centre at the Sports Hall for any student who has consent for lateral flow testing. Students can arrive any time within the time slots shown below. Students will have a test and then leave site to return home. If you have already given your consent previously, this still stands, but if you have not given your consent, and wish to do so, please fill in this consent form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ViObpySMIkm0IMbibQtAkbKUz6HxKVxBvtJBwieFbI9UNDNGSTczR0cxRkhJNEpLUDJKM1ZHSTA2Uy4u
- Any time between 9am to 11am – Years 7 and 8
- Any time between 11am to 2pm – Years 9, 10 and 11
Thank you for your support, I hope all students enjoy their break over the festive period.
Best wishes
Ben Tucker
Principal, City Academy