Letter to Parents
17th December 2021
Dear parents and carers,
Once again thank you for your support this term and calendar year. I want to thank parents and especially students for their efforts this term.
January Plans
A reminder of the plan for students returning after the break has been updated to include a day for Covid testing as directed by the Government. Therefore, all students return to school on Thursday 6th January. The plan is as follows:
- Monday 3rdJanuary – Bank Holiday
- Tuesday 4thJanuary – INSET day
- Wednesday 5thJanuary – Covid testing taking place in the Sports Hall
- Thursday 6thJanuary – All students return to school at 8.30am
We are no longer going to use the term ‘Learning Facilitator’. This term will be replaced by Tutor. Students will be in Tutor Groups. Your child’s Tutor should be your first contact if you have any concerns about the well-being or academic progress of your child. Each Tutor Group has approximately 25 students, and the Tutor is responsible for ensuring that children in their group are happy and making good progress.
On Wednesday 5th January we are going to ask Tutors to make contact with every parent/carer by phone. This will be an opportunity to discuss your child and to check whether there is anything else we can do to support our students. If we are unable to make contact we will try another day or time.
This will be followed by a letter we will be posting home with the name of your child’s Tutor and their email address and other key contact information.
Please could I ask parents and carers to support us with students wearing their uniform correctly. With the concerns of Covid, we are keeping windows open to ventilate rooms. If temperatures do drop significantly, we will allow students to wear coats in class. Please could parents support by asking students to wear t-shirts under shirts and to wear a plain black v-neck jumper. Students will be able to purchase a black jumper from the school for £4. Students should not wear hoodies into school.
Potential Lockdown and home learning
As we enter another period of uncertainty with regards to Covid and particularly with the Omnicom strain, I want to assure parents that we are ready to be able to teach students at home, should the need arise. This will follow the same process as the last time, and we would of course share full information if this was to happen.
Covid Testing in January
On Wednesday 5th January, we will be running a testing centre at the Sports Hall for any student who has consent for lateral flow testing. There is no school lessons this day.
Students can arrive any time within the time slots shown below. Students will have a test and then leave site to return home.
- Any time between 9am to 11am – Years 7 and 8
- Any time between 11am to 2pm – Years 9, 10 and 11
If you have already given your consent previously, this still stands, but if you have not given your consent, and wish to do so, please fill in this consent form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=ViObpySMIkm0IMbibQtAkbKUz6HxKVxBvtJBwieFbI9UNDNGSTczR0cxRkhJNEpLUDJKM1ZHSTA2Uy4u
School Newsletter
Each term we send a school newsletter, which you will receive a link to. This terms Newsletter can be found here also: https://cityacademybristol.clf.uk/wp-content/uploads/City-Academy-Newsletter-Term-2.pdf
Thank you for your support, I hope all students enjoy their break over the festive period.
Best wishes
Ben Tucker
Principal, City Academy