We are looking for Parent Academy Councillors

We are also looking to recruit some parent Councillors to sit on our Academy Council which is the local governing body for the Cabot Learning Federation.

If you are interested please click the link to apply:

Academy Councillor

Academy Councils are responsible for holding Principals and their leadership teams to account for the quality and effectiveness of the academy experience of the students under their care. They do this through monitoring performance against an annual academy improvement plan (AIP), through monitoring risks and responses to risks, and through overseeing systems and processes for the
safeguarding of children and the health, safety and wellbeing of academy staff.
Academy Councillors are expected to both support and challenge the Principal and academy leadership with the aim of securing effective school improvement.

The roles and responsibilities of an Academy Councillor include:

  • To regularly attend Council meetings;
  • To act as a ‘critical friend’ to the academy, providing challenge to the Principal where necessary;
  • To ensure that the Health and Safety Policy is correctly implemented and to ensure that the Academy has processes and procedures in place to secure the health, safety and wellbeing of staff and students, including ensuring that statutory training requirements are met.
  • To monitor the Academy’s risk register, ensuring that risks and responses are appropriately identified, and that mitigation measures are appropriate in addressing risks;
  • To approve and monitor academy improvement plans;
  • To hold Principals and senior staff to account for achieving local academy targets including
    but not limited to student attainment and attendance;
  • To approve and monitor any improvement plans following Ofsted and DfE inspections and
    monitoring visits, or internal or external reviews;
  • To monitor the breadth, balance and effectiveness of the curriculum;
  • To approve, review and amend local academy policies and procedures, and to monitor
    compliance with these;
  • To receive reports about fixed term and permanent exclusions and review the effectiveness
    of provision to support pupils vulnerable to exclusion; and to be part of a panel to review
    decisions around permanent exclusion where necessary;
  • To receive reports about Keeping Children Safe and ensure that the academy is alert to the
    safeguarding needs of children and young people, including its responsibilities under the
    Prevent Duty.
  • To review the Academy’s financial plans to ensure that resources are being directed
    appropriately, and to monitor the Academy’s overall financial position;
  • To be engaged in Academy recruitment processes, in particular for senior Academy leaders
    and Principal appointments;
  • To feed into the appraisals of Academy Principals and other Academy leaders.
  • To champion the achievement and educational entitlement of all children and especially those
    who experience disadvantage;
  • To act as an ambassador for the academy, its pupils and staff

Parent Councillor

Parent Councillors are representative parents, rather than representatives of parents. To effectively
fulfil the role, parent Councillors should, in addition to the responsibilities of an Academy Councillor:

  • Make themselves known to the parent body;
  • Listen impartially to concerns raised by parents;
  • Guide parents regarding appropriate lines of action and procedures;
  • Present a balanced view of issues, representing different sections of the community.