Year 6 Transition
Dear Year 6 Parent/Carer
Welcome to City Academy!
Beginning the student journey to City Academy, an Induction Day(s) will take place allowing all students the opportunity to begin to feel part of the CAB community. Our teaching staff will plan and deliver outstanding lesson experiences for the newest members of CAB.
Staff from CAB also visit primary schools to meet students and to talk about the transition to secondary school. This is a good time for students to ask questions, learn a bit more about their new school and get to know some members of staff, familiar faces will be important in September, when everything feels new!
Furthermore, during the summer holidays City Academy will be holding Summer School Experience days for Year 6 students who will be attending the Academy in September 2025.
All transition applications and acceptance for Year 7 places at City Academy will be made in accordance with Bristol City Council admission arrangements; please refer to website address below to access further information:
New Year 7 Secondary Place Offer